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        The Ensat? is a self-tapping metal insert, with internal and external thread and slots or holes providing a tapping affect. The Ensat? bush is installed into materials with low resistance (such as alloys, plastics and castings) requiring threaded seats with high specifications of resistance and wear. They can also be used for re-tapping worn thread. The Ensat 302 bush (with tapping grooves) is ideal for use with most applications. The Ensat? bush may create a slight self-locking effect with some materials. If this is not required, we recommend the Ensat 307-308 series (with tapping holes), whose shape is ideal for materials that are particularly resistant to cutting. The Ensat 307 series is short and compact and is particularly suitable for low thicknesses. The Ensat? bush can be used for all machining and processing of plastics.



上一篇:不锈钢螺丝套安装需要使用的工具介绍 下一篇:Recoil/helical螺纹护套结构与特点





钢丝螺套标准 钢丝螺套用途 钢丝螺套规格 钢丝螺套安装 自攻钢丝螺套 helicoil钢丝螺套 recoil钢丝螺套 KATO无尾螺纹护套
钢丝螺套销售区域 广东:深圳、广州、东莞、中山、珠海 福建:福州、厦门、泉州 浙江:杭州、宁波、温州 江苏:南京、无锡
成都 重庆 西安 北京 天津 上海 武汉 贵阳 长沙 辽宁: 沈阳 大连 吉林 长春 河南:郑州 新乡
地址:深圳宝安区沙井镇白竹山工业园C栋   联系电话:0755-88843616  27438421  27281196 传真:0755-61675788
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